Tuesday 28 December 2021

Best exchange rate for US dollars if you’re in the UK

If you're in the UK and looking for the best exchange rates for US dollars then, here is an unusual choice, No1 Currency. They, at the time of writing this post are offering £1 = $1.317. They can be found in establishments such as Morrison's Supermarkets and Cash Converters. its a shame but before they closed down I found Debenhams to offer the best rates. Everyday people say they are delivering funds to me. You sound like a scammer. Only write to me if you can show me 1/ Certificate of ownership and 2/ Proof of deeds. No, you dont need my address details and I will NEVER give you them. They are already published on the Certificate of Ownership. So if you do not have them then GOODBYE and DO NOT WRITE AGAIN SCAMMER.  No1 Currency -  https://www.no1currency.com

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