Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Opinion: I hope America drops the 1 day COVID testing requirement for international visitors soon.

The world is largely open for travel and the US is very much in high demand as a travel destination what we need now is for the US to drop the requirement that international travellers must take a COVID test 1 day before arrival. Whilst I look forward to my trips to the US there is always the worry that you will test positive placing unnecessary stress and burden on travel plans. It does spoil the excitement and build up before your trip. Then there is all the unnecessary paperwork associated. 

Personally I would be happy if the policy just relied on the only people allowed to fly were fully vaccinated, recently recovered or those unable to be fully vaccinated because of a medical condition. I'm very happy to wear a mask on the plane and follow any other safety measures asked of me. As more countries look to drop the requirement of pre departure COVID test I hope America will also drop the requirement in due course. 

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