Monday 1 August 2022

I hope the US never reintroduce pre-departure COVID testing for international visitors wishing to visit the US.

I was asked yesterday whether I thought the US would reintroduce pre-departure Covid testing. In my opinion, and I hope that I am right, I do not think that they will. However, like as in the last two years, who can say for certain, but at this present time I do not think they will reintroduce it.

I think if they do then the travel industry will be in arms. The airlines will certainly not be happy and it will be a huge step backwards.

I think we now live in an era where we have to live with Covid.

I know that it has impacted so many lives and many people have lost loved ones.

But I do think, with safe precautions, being vaccinated, and just applying common sense, we can live a lot more safely with Covid going forward.

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