Monday 19 September 2022

When you have finished your vacation in the US, how long do you have to stay away from the US. How soon can you return.

I'm revisiting this editorial as I still get asked this question frequently. 

I get asked this question a lot, and there isn't a predetermined response. But don't stay too long on your US trip. 

Do not misuse your ESTA, is the first thing I would advise. Many nations, including the UK, are a part of the Visa Waiver Program, which enables nationals of 38 nations to visit the USA for up to 90 days on business or vacation without a visa. 

Please respect the fact that you can go to the USA for up to 90 days for business or vacation without a visa. 

It's also important to keep in mind that the Visa Waiver Program is exclusively intended for travel and business; employment in the US is not permitted. 

There are no set rules but I would advise that you remain out of the US longer than your last duration. So, say for example if you were in the USA for 40 days, then that should be your target, stay out of the US for longer than 40 days. Therefore visiting the USA and then leaving for a couple of days and then returning to reset you ESTA stay will not do you any favours and you can expect to be questioned by US Border Protection upon your return visit.
Remember don't stay for the full 90 days with the intention of returning to the USA, don't abuse the system, we are visitors to the USA.

Finally to ensure you comply with all US entry and stay rules, check the website of the U.S. Consulate in your country to determine which rules will govern your trip.

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