Thursday 13 October 2022

A must see if you’re visiting New York City is Grand Central Terminal, it’s an awesome sight.

One of the most fantastic sights to see in New York City is Grand Central Terminal. You've seen it in all the films now go and see it for yourself. It's an amazing sight, look up at the amazing ceiling depicting the night sky. You can also get some fantastic food here. Quick snacks and treats are available in the Grand Central Market, excellent dining is offered in the Dining Concourse, and Vanderbilt Hall hosts free cultural events that have drawn both tourists and residents to Grand Central. Just remember not to stand in the way of the busy commuters who use the station daily to commute to work or travel home. There's also an Apple Store, one of the finest in my opinion.

Another secret is the Whispering Gallery located downstairs, near the dining area. You will be able to hear your traveling companion if you both take a position on opposite corners of the arched entryway, face the walls, and speak, you'll be amazed, it really works.

Also look up when you're in the main terminal space. The painted zodiac and starry ceiling in the terminal's main concourse are a sight that every visitor enjoys. The zodiac was really painted upside down, however not many people are aware of this. The scene is depicted from "God's point of view," as was customary in medieval times, rather than as what we see when we look up at the sky.

So do yourself a favour, next time you're in NYC go and spend an hour in Grand Central Terminal.

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