Saturday 26 November 2022

Is New York City safe? In my opinion yes. I’ve published tips on how to stay safe in one of the greatest cities in the world.

Is New York City safe? This is a question I have been asked multiple times in the last few weeks. Here is my opinion and please remember that everyone is different and circumstances do change.

I visit New York on average every month and all the occasions I have felt safe. That saying, like any big city there you must take a common sense approach. Don't flash your jewellery, keep designer bags at home away from prying eyes. Only take money out that you need, don't carry anything excess. Go with your gut feeling, if an area feels too quiet or unsafe, walk away. Be careful of crowds and crowded subway cars - pickpocketers love a crowded situation. Finally there is more use of Marjuana so be prepared that you will smell it from time to time. I'm not a fan personally but each to their own I guess.

In all the times I've visited New York City I have never witnessed anything unsavoury or felt unsafe. Again everyone's experiences are different but a little common sense and you should have a safe and uneventful visit to New York City. Happy US travels.

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