Wednesday 28 December 2022

The US is imposing mandatory COVID testing on travellers from China, from Jan 5th. Will mandatory negative COVID testing be reintroduced to Europeans and UK travellers flying to the US? Here are my thoughts….

The US is imposing mandatory COVID testing on travellers from China, from Jan 5th. Will mandatory negative COVID testing be reintroduced to Europeans and UK travellers flying to the US?

At the moment it is unclear whether this new mandatory rule will be introduced to other countries. I guess we will have to see how the new COVID infection numbers reflect across Europe but I would imagine worst case scenario it would be a negative COVID test taken within 24-48 hours of your flight departure and to be fully vaccinated. Hopefully I'm wrong and such mandatory rules will not be imposed but if I was to take a guess at a worst case scenario, that this would be it.

I'll be honest, I would rather have the inconvenience of undertaking a negative COVID test than a blanket ban of travelling to the US. But it is an inconvenience and not something I would be writing again. As always I will keep you up to date on the blog. 

Happy US travels.

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