Sunday 19 December 2021

Are you planning to fly to the US soon in the coming weeks? There are many people optimistic that international travellers will still be allowed to enter the US. I hope this provides you with some positive vibes.

There are a lot of people who are optimistic about getting to the US in the coming weeks. President Biden is making an announcement on Tuesday 21st about Omicron, so all eyes on what he says. In the meantime if you are looking to travel to the US soon and you are feeling a little down, then read the following responses sent to me. I hope they provide you with some optimism from fellow Twitter friends who show optimism that we'll hopefully get to fly to the US very soon.

Thank for all the positive vibes: 

" 13 days for us, and me and son are Covid pos yet still very optimistic for our trip 🤞"

"It seems like this plan is directed at americans that are not jabbed, firmer polices may come for them. International travel is already strict so far, I cant think of any other policy that they'll put accept for triple jabbed but this won't come straight away. Way Too soon"

" I agree I don't think there will be an outright ban but there might be additional testing requirements, hopefully no quarantine though! 🤞🏽"

"That's the biggest worry but logically it would do little to stop omicron at this point. The US has some of the strictest travel rules for foreigners anywhere. It literally can't get tighter except for quarantine (which is too difficult to enforce) or an outright ban."

"I agree with that I don't think travel restrictions will return, I would not say the UK entry / post arrival tests are strict though. As they are not supervised they could be swabs from your dog for all the Govt know, at least the USA test is supervised and within 1 day of travel". 

“ Still…… 💯 % positive.”

I think you will be fine. Americans will not stand for any more lockdowns or travel bans. They don’t work and only damage our economy.

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